What we do

What we do

There are many different terms, Pool Inspections, Pool Safety Inspections, Pool Fence Inspections – they all mean the same thing. The point is you will require a Pool Safety Certificate to lease or sell your property, that’s what we do. 

We inspect pool fences & barriers, if your fence complies with the new Queensland Pool Safety Laws you’ll be issued with a Certificate of Compliance known as a Pool Safety Certificate.

What is the process?

  • If your pool fence fails to comply, you will be issued with a Notice of Non-Conformity this is known as a Form 26.
  • The Form 26 will summarize the non-conforming sections of your pool fence or barrier in accordance with the Australian Standards & Queensland Development Code.
  • If you are issued with a Form 26 notice, you will have 3 months to arrange the necessary works required for your pool to comply.
  • Within this 3 month period you will need to have your pool inspected again so we can issue you with your Certificate of Compliance know as a Pool Safety Certificate.
  • This certificate is valid for 2 years for residential pools (the home pool) and 1 year for all shared pools such as resort pools, hotel/motel pools and shared pools in a unit or flat complex.

Pool safety laws

Queensland’s pool safety laws (PDF, 1.3MB) were introduced in 2009 and apply to all pools—new and existing.

As of 1 December 2015, you must comply with the one pool safety standard.

For buyers, sellers, lessors (renters) and agents

Pool safety laws apply to all pools associated with domestic buildings, including motels, hotels and backpacker hostels.

Different rules apply depending on whether you are buying, selling or renting a property with a pool. Read the Guidelines for pool owners and property agents (PDF, 2.3MB).

You can check the pool safety register to see if a pool safety certificate has been issued for a property or to register a pool.

Pool safety inspections

If you are selling or renting a property with a pool, you must have a current pool safety certificate.

Pool safety certificates can be provided only by a licensed pool safety inspector.

Find a licensed swimming pool safety inspector.

Hotels, motels, resorts and other short term-accommodation (Class 3) buildings

All hotels, motels, resorts and other buildings providing short-term accommodation must comply with the pool safety standard.

These properties must:

  • have a compliant pool barrier; or
  • have a pool safety management plan that has been approved by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission.

For more information, please see:

Information for local governments

To promote consistency of pool safety standards, previous local government pool safety laws were replaced by the current pool safety legislation on 1 December 2010.

All exemptions (apart from disability exemptions) were also abolished.

View information for local governments.​​​